mardi 11 février 2014

Know the real age of his heart is profitable

The conversion factors for cardiovascular risk years of aging to help change behavior.

One in two people underestimate their cardiovascular risks. Based on this fact , doctors have been trying for decades to convince their patients that it is imperative to reduce their risk factors: cholesterol, weight, blood pressure , smoking, blood sugar . Professor Pedro Tauler University of Palma de Mallorca ( Spain ) has just published with colleagues from the University of Valencia the results of a unique experience in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology .

Spanish researchers compared the effect of a specialized consulting information on cardiovascular risk lavished with 3153 employees. Individuals were divided into three groups. The control group received only the usual advice on healthy living to improve nutrition , have physical activity, and, if necessary , lose weight or quit smoking. The other two groups benefited , in addition, an assessment of cardiovascular risk individual , or as a percentage of probability to myocardial infarction or stroke in the next decade stroke, either as "real age " of their heart . The cardio- vascular age may be calculated on the website French Committee against arterial hypertension ( CFLHTA ) .

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