mercredi 12 février 2014

Hereditary diseases: 10 questions for parents !

The magazine " Atlantico " asked Catherine Bourgain , researcher in human genetics and statistics at Inserm , Guy -André Pelouze , a surgeon at Perpignan, and Peter Roubertoux , professor of genetics and neuroscience at Marseille, the questions to ask his parents to detect as soon as possible hereditary diseases , which are too often proved to adulthood.
At clinical examination, the issue of family history always comes from the first questions the doctor. And it is no coincidence : many diseases, such as diabetes, may originate from our parents or grandparents. It is time , according to " Atlantico " to ask the right questions to our parents to know a little more about yourself. But why ?

Hereditary diseases : questions on chronic and metabolic diseases your parents !
" Are there have been cases of chronic diseases? "Is the first . More specifically, there has he been cases of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases , degenerative brain diseases and cancers in the ancestors of your parents , going back two generations?

On " metabolic diseases, dominated by diabetes , especially type 2 - , we need to know if there is diabetes in the family and especially if they were treated or not with insulin ," says Guy- André Pelouze , which provides that in case of cancer or stroke , it is best to " learn about the body that was affected , at what age , and do not hesitate to even go back several generations. "

Hereditary diseases : questions on health status and health course your parents!
If a chronic disease has affected a family member , the magazine also says that we must ask at what stage in life expressed pathology and if it was possible at the time , determine origins. Relapse , treatment success , death ... All topics must be discussed. It is also imperative to ask what were the habits of your parents ( diet , environment, physical activity ... ) , their profession , the social milieu in which they lived .

Because, according to Pierre Roubertoux , " a parent who works on a construction site will not have the same health status as the framework that operates in the city. »Inquire about physical infirmities , disabilities , children born dead in the family can also help your doctor. Finally, states " Atlantico " , it is important to ask: "Our mother she had risk behavior during pregnancy? "

Hereditary diseases : ask questions to your entourage extended to learn !
"It is important to ask for information not only his parents, but also to all its collateral : brothers, sisters and cousins. Should , wherever possible have a list of physical impairments , disabilities , children born dead in his family, (...) know the ages of death of family members , "says Pierre Roubertoux .

Information that may seem trivial , but important , according to Catherine Bourgain : "Many diseases are associated with family history . In some situations, there is a gene with mutations that significantly increase the risk of disease. This is particularly the case of certain types of breast cancer or colon cancer . "

Today , some more or less serious hereditary diseases can be detected early and therefore treated early . If nothing plays in genetics and disease that can pass through generations without ever reporting , prevention is better than cure. "Ultimately we are never sure of our predispositions. Do not be afraid , because these statistics are predispositions , "concludes Pierre Roubertoux

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