vendredi 28 mars 2014

9 foods to eat each day to keep your skin softness

You must take care of the skin continuously to maintain the softness and freshness , it is not limited to the use of powders and creams, but you must follow a proper diet contains nutrients that help nourish the skin and the prevention of diseases that can affect them.

food plays an important role in the treatment of skin problems and maintaining its purity .

1 - red pepper

red pepper has a high percentage of vitamin C and large amounts of dietary fiber, and that it will help prevent wrinkles and increase blood flow in the skin cells .

2 - dark chocolate

Eating dark chocolate helps to permanently increase the brightness of the skin, it is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and Alflavanol , antioxidants they contain chocolate help to soften the skin and protect it from harmful sun rays .

3 - salmon
Salmon is a natural antibiotic , because it contains a high percentage of omega - 3 fatty acids , which help fight infections and the treatment of acne and wrinkles.

4 - Coconut oil
coconut oils , are the most important sources of saturated fatty acids and anti- bacterial and lauric acids that cause infections of the skin and acne , also contain vitamin E , which helps maintain skin smoothness and purity .

5 - Green Tea
because it is an important source of antioxidants and amino acids that help to relax the body and get rid of stress , it also helps prevent germs and bacteria also protects against skin diseases .

6 - Spinach
In addition to its wealth of iron, folic acid and vitamins A and C and all, spinach contains a high content of antioxidants that fight different types of skin problems , and eating spinach helps to cleanse the skin inside and outside of both .

7 - seeds
The most important seeds that improve the health of the skin and maintain the purity and sweetness : hemp seeds , sunflower, pumpkin , flax, because of its rich in selenium , magnesium, omega- 3 fatty acids help to prevent wrinkles and other skin problems.

8 - celery
All that can be said about the vegetables will celery in addition to his riches in vitamin K which stimulates circulation and helps reduce high blood pressure, and helps prevent dry skin must be hydrated at all times.

9 - Islands
Carrots contain a high concentration of vitamin A, which limits the production of cells in the outer layers of the glass and prevents clogged pores , and this reduces the risk of vitamin skin cancer , it is therefore recommended that the islands on a daily basis for health and softness of the skin

lundi 17 mars 2014

your mental may cause you physical pain by many ways

a new research study conducted by saline giorgina from italy ; had made some measurements of the activiy of the brain of the participants in the experiments by  using magnetic resonance imaging ; the researchers said that this innovative study compared with previous studies that examined the relationship between physical and social pain ; where the study revealed that the human body feels pain when he feels depressed or someone loses a dear, or he sees him in a bad situation or find him socially isolated .
the resulats were published in the journal of  social and emotional knowledge of the nerves and the social of cognitive and affective neuroscience.
in one of the experiments ; were used videos of real people going through crises, and in an other experiments, it was a game between group who were excluded from the group to create a sense of pain due to exposure to social isolation .
and monitored the trials that the conditions suffered by the partciapants to activate the  rear of the brain cortex , a region associated with a sense of physical pain and are activated  if a person has seen close to being subjected to the condition of  social or physical pain , this study that the goal of the person is often " escape from the pain and healing" , this what drives a person to suffer and feel that with others.

top 10 natural treatments or tips for depression oh wonderful

Read this  articles to be  to feel a good mood really wonderful tips that may  help you :


    Get in a routine. If you’re depressed, you need a routine, says Ian Cook, MD, a psychiatrist and director of the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA. Depression can strip away the structure from your life. One day melts into the next. Setting a gentle daily schedule can help you get back on track.

    Set goals. When you're depressed, you may feel like you can't accomplish anything. That makes you feel worse about yourself. To push back, set daily goals for yourself. "Start very small," says Cook. "Make your goal something that you can succeed at, like doing the dishes every other day." As you start to feel better, you can add more challenging daily goals.

    Exercise. Exercise temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It may also have long-term benefits for people with depression. Regular physical activity seems to encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive ways, Cook says. How much exercise do you need? You don’t need to run marathons to get a benefit. Just walking a few times a week can help.

    Eat healthy. There is no magic diet that fixes depression, but watching what you eat is a good idea. If depression tends to make you overeat, getting in control of your eating will help you feel better. Although nothing is definitive, Cook says there's evidence that foods with omega-3 fatty acids -- such as salmon and tuna -- and folic acid -- such as spinach and avocado -- could help ease depression.

    Get enough sleep. Depression can make it hard to get enough sleep, and not getting enough sleep can make depression worse. What can you do? Start by making some changes to your lifestyle. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Try not to nap. Take all the distractions out of your bedroom -- no computer and no TV. In time, you may find your sleep improves.

    Take on responsibilities. When you’re depressed, you may want to pull back from life and give up your responsibilities at home and at work. Don't. Staying involved and having daily responsibilities can work as a natural depression treatment. They ground you and give you a sense of accomplishment. If you're not up to full-time school or work, that’s fine. Think about part-time. If that seems like too much, consider volunteer work.

    Challenge negative thoughts. In your fight against depression, a lot of the work is mental -- changing how you think. When you're depressed, you leap to the worst possible conclusions. The next time you're feeling terrible about yourself, use logic as a natural depression treatment. You might feel like no one likes you, but is there real evidence for that? You might feel like the most worthless person on the planet, but is that really likely? It takes practice, but in time you can beat back those negative thoughts before they get out of control.

    Check with your doctor before using supplements. "There's promising evidence for certain supplements for depression," says Cook, such as fish oil, folic acid, and SAMe. However, more research needs to be done before we'll know for sure. Always check with your doctor before starting any supplement, especially if you’re already taking medications.

    Do something new. When you’re depressed, you’re in a rut. Push yourself to do something different. Go to a museum. Pick up a used book and read it on a park bench. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Take a language class. "When we challenge ourselves to do something different, there are chemical changes in the brain," says Cook. "Trying something new alters the levels of dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and learning."

    Try to have fun. If you’re depressed, make time for things you enjoy. What if nothing seems fun anymore? "That's just a symptom of depression," says Cook. You have to keep trying anyway.

samedi 15 mars 2014

9 Essential Weight Loss, Health And Fitness Strategies

9 Essential Weight Loss, Health And Fitness Strategies

“How to Get Maximum Weight Loss & Fitness Results In Minimum Time”


  1. In the beginning, your fitness plan should not be overly aggressive.  One of the biggest problems most people encounter when starting a fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious fitness plan.  Two days per week of 20-minute low-intensity cardiovascular exercise (walking, jogging, biking, swimming); and two days per week of 30-minute light resistance training (using weights or resistance machines) is adequate in the beginning.  As you become acclimated to the lifestyle “shift” you can add more days and get improved results.  But beware: if you try to do too much too fast, you may end up quitting altogether. If you’ve tried and failed doing it alone, then I suggest you get a training partner or personal trainer who will help you sustain your motivation.


  1. If your goal is fat-loss, then your cardiovascular exercise should be low intensity.  Your heart rate during cardio exercise should not exceed 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate.  The simple formula for calculating your 100% maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.  If the intensity of your exercise increases your heart rate beyond 70% (which can occur very easily if you are in poor shape), you start shifting from using body fat as your energy source to relying on glucose metabolism.  Your personal trainer can supply you with a simple heart rate monitor you can wear during exercise so you always stay in your peak fat-burning range.

  1. Don’t waste your time working small muscles with isolated movements.  If you don’t enjoy doing resistance training or are pressed for time, concentrate on working the largest muscle groups with compound resistance movements.  When I see overweight people doing wrist curls or lateral raises, I wonder why.  It’s generally just a lack of understanding of how their bodies work.  Most people want to lose fat and tone and firm their bodies.  The way to do that is to use resistance (weights or machines) to train the large muscle groups.  Men should be concentrating on legs, chest and back.  Women should concentrate more on their legs and back.  The best exercises for legs are lunges or squats (your personal trainer will show you the proper form and then monitor you during the exercise) and leg press.  The best chest exercise is bench press, and the best back exercise is the seated row.  All of these are compound movements, which mean they incorporate multiple muscle groups.

  1. Always, always, always stretch.  Stretching improves flexibility, blood flow, muscle recovery, low back pain and a host of other things.  Additionally, stretching can prevent injury, make you sleep better and improve your performance in all sports.  Always stretch, but be certain not to stretch cold muscles.  You should always warm up before stretching.  However, it is very important that you know how to stretch.  Never bounce!  Your personal trainer will show you the proper execution and timing of your stretches.


  1. Never, ever do a traditional sit-up.  Unless you are super athlete with an incredibly well-developed midsection, sit-ups can lead to a strained lower back and possibly lumbar injuries.  But it gets worse.  Rather than hitting your abdominal section, sit-ups can shift exercise tension to your hip flexors – which defeats the purpose.  There is so much misinformation about how to strengthen tone and firm the midsection, it’s almost frightening.  It is very difficult to learn proper abdominal exercise technique by reading about it or watching it demonstrated on a video.  You need to do it with supervision and get feedback about your form from a knowledgeable source.  And keep in mind that you use your abdominal muscles in almost every single movement you make.  Strengthening your abdominal region is the single most effective way to prevent, or recover from, low back pain.

  1. Set realistically attainable goals.  You must have tangible, quantifiable, short-term and long-term goals for your fitness program so you can gauge your progress.  It’s crucial to have a “baseline” before you begin, so you can measure success.  Your health club or personal trainer can give you a complete fitness analysis (don’t be shy – you need this) that will aid you or your trainer in developing a personalized fitness program which addresses your particular needs.  Having goals, particularly short-term goals, allows you to track your progress and keep you motivated when times are tough and you don’t feel like exercising.  Keeping a journal of your cardio and resistance training workouts, as well as tracking what you eat is truly a fitness success “secret.”  Just remember that your goals should be realistic and attainable.  The best way for you to understand what is realistic and attainable for you is to talk to a fitness professional – not to buy into the “hype” of infomercials, diet and fitness products that blatantly mislead.

  1. Set exercise appointments with yourself.  Use your day-timer to set appointments for exercise – and then stick to them.  You wouldn’t miss a business meeting or client appointment, would you?  So don’t miss your exercise appointment with yourself.  Nothing is more important than your health.  Nothing.  Everything else will crumble around you if your health goes south.  So make your exercise appointments a priority.  If you find it difficult to keep these appointments, then consider hiring a personal trainer who will hold you to your commitment.  When you have money invested, and someone waiting for you to show up – you are much more likely to actually show up!

  1. Remember the benefits of exercise.  Remember that feeling of euphoria you experienced after a particularly good work-out?  You experienced that feeling because the most powerful “feel good” drug in the world – endorphins – are coursing through your veins.  If there is a panacea, it’s exercise.  Nothing feels better than the post-work-out high you experience after exercising.  Revel in that feeling.  Let it wash over you and truly experience it.  Etch that feeling in your brain.  It will fuel your motivation on those inevitable days when you just don’t feel like exercising.  Being physically fit affects every single aspect of your life: you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work better, communicate better, and live better!

  1. Exercise correctly.  So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or at worst, dangerous exercise.  Get educated on how to exercise correctly.  And the absolute best way to do that is to hire a personal trainer to develop a program for you and then teach you what to do and how to do it right.  Personal training does not have to be an ongoing process.  You can hire a personal trainer for whatever length of time you need to learn the ropes.  It could be five sessions, or it could be 200 sessions.  It’s completely up to you.  But statistics prove that those who understand how to exercise correctly, get better, faster results.  And that’s what you want, right?  Results!

There you have it.  9 essential strategies for an effective weight loss and fitness program that will have you looking and feeling better than you have in years – maybe ever!

I realize that starting (or re-starting) a productive and effective health and fitness program is not easy.  That’s why I encourage you to get help.

mardi 11 mars 2014

Tips and natural remedies against anxiety and live healthy

Are you anxious ? This is understandable , but not necessary. The following tips will help you calm down .

If you feel that reason to be anxious you showered on you , rest assured, the treatments also : Medicinal plant species and to increase the therapeutic power of a hot bath , herbal teas and soothing comfort foods are part of your arsenal natural remedies.
Drown your troubles

    The hot tub is one of the nicest and most effective remedies to calm down . It will be even more if you add water to lavender oil ( or dried flowers). If this plant is pleasantly scented known since more than 2000 years for its calming properties, although we do not know what gives it this effect. If you do not have time to take a bath , apply a few drops of essence on your forehead.

Breathe deeply

    By regulating your breathing, you can quickly calm your anxiety. Sit , inhale slowly and letting your belly swell (you can get your hands on it to feel the movement ) and avoiding shrug . Hold your breath four or five seconds , then exhale slowly. Repeat until calm returns .

Take a hot drink

    To calm your stress , drink a glass of warm milk is an old folk remedy for insomnia . Milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is necessary for the production of serotonin , a neurotransmitter chemical bringing a sense of well -being.
    Catnip , the plant that excites strangely cats , has the opposite effect in humans. It contains chemicals that act as a mild sedative . Are found in bags in health food stores ; infuse as you would tea. You can take as often as needed .
    Hops plant that gives beer its characteristic flavor, is longtime employee as a sedative . In fact, before the mechanization of the harvest , workers picking cones suffering from drowsiness, the unexplained time, we advised them to fight singing. Infuse 2 teaspoons dried hops in a cup of very hot water . You can take 3 cups a day.

Do not feed your anxiety

    Do not take more than a cup of coffee, tea or cola per day . The study results indicate that anxiety sufferers may be more sensitive to caffeine than others.
    Pay attention to your consumption of alcoholic beverages. At first , alcohol may give the impression of calm , but when the effect wears off , anxiety intensifies.

Accelerate and slow down

    Aerobic is excellent for relieving anxiety. A quick 30-minute walk promotes the release of endorphins , chemicals that block pain and improve mood .
    Practice meditation, because a few sessions per day lasting 15 minutes each. Classical meditation, prayer, care of flowers , contemplation cat trying to wash , whatever form that takes this exercise , it will require you to focus on the present moment and distract your mind from concerns.

Take one tablet

    The smell of valerian is anything but pleasant , but its effects on anxiety are as you probably will ignore . The study results indicate that the active ingredients of this plant bind to the same as diazepam anxiolytic prescription well known brain receptors . Take the form of tablets , at a rate of 250 to 500 mg two times a day and once at bedtime.
    5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP ) can redo reserves of serotonin, the brain chemical that calms anxiety. It is produced in the body from tryptophan , an amino acid, but it is also found in small quantities in the seeds of Griffonia tree that grows in Ghana and Côte d' Ivoire. Supplements are commercially available compounds is an extract of Griffonia be obtained by synthesis . In Canada , 5- HTP is considered a drug and does not have an authorization to market , but Canadians can import provided that it is for personal use (defined as a three-month supply ) . Take 50 mg three times daily with meals . However , consult your doctor if you are taking an antidepressant such as Prozac , Paxil or Zoloft . These drugs affect serotonin receptors and , consequently , the interaction with 5- HTP may be dangerous.
    Swallow a vitamin B complex every day. The study results indicate that these vitamins are natural anti- stress and their deficiency can cause anxiety (we know , for example, that the body needs B6 to develop serotonin ) .

dimanche 9 mars 2014

Out of depression : the 3-step method to heal naturally Or how to get out of depression !

Before getting into the nitty-gritty and you explain in more detail the 3-step method to combat depression , I just want remember: if you have severe depression, you have black and suicidal thoughts. See your doctor quickly .

I will present here a method I developed to fight against depression naturally .
I have not reinvented the wheel, and I warn you I 'm not a doctor or psychiatrist. I simply found repeatedly in situations of stress and burnout . I had to deal with mild and moderate depressive passages . And I also always fight with seasonal depression , but the symptoms are lighter .

So I have accumulated tons of information on depression . I will not go into details here on antidepressant taken syntheses , see it with your doctor. This article is based on a natural way out of depression.

By cons, if you are looking for a solution for depression with a stepwise method , naturally, then you are at right place.
(This article is a bit long .. so take your time)

Symptoms of depression

Depression is a disease that affects particularly prevalent many people. According to statistics approximately 1 in 5 people will know a depression in his life. No discrimination either in cases of depression.
It can affect children, young, old, male or female. However we see that it reaches 2 times more common in women than men.

It can be difficult to differentiate between temporary depression and depression.

To help you see more clearly , depression is defined by several of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks.

    Sadness, black idea, impression of seeing his life in black and white
    Loss of interest in activities that you enjoy
    Sleep disorder it may be insomnia or hypersomnia
    Changing dietary behavior : loss or weight gain
    Chronic fatigue , decreased energy
    Decrease in self-esteem , often with a strong sense of guilt
    Great difficulty in concentrating . Read a book or watch a movie can be complicated
    Suicidal thoughts may occur

Depression can also take many forms.

    The "classic" that can become chronic depression if nothing is done with Forte melancholy symptoms that you have read depression.
    Bipolar depression. It is also called manic depression. In this case the phases of deep depression alternate with periods of mania, characterized by a great commotion and excitement, a lot of energy and projects. These changes can be frequent or more or less spaced .
    SAD. Found some classic symptoms of depression at the onset of winter . This decline is due to the moral decline of light. There are simple to set up to fight against this form of depression solutions. Light therapy as well as St. John's wort can greatly help you .
    Post partum depression . It is also called native or post postpartum depression. We also find the term baby blues. This is a depression that lasts , often quite strong, following the birth of a baby.

That gives you an overview of the classic symptoms of depression , and other forms of depression. I will not go in this article on the causes that trigger this depression, but we'll see how to treat depression and burnout with a simple, effective and natural method .

After passing several suffered depression I decided to create a sort of attack based on all the reading and research that I made up . My goal was to create a coherent plan , with effective techniques and proven. With a step by step system. I'd like to share with you.
( I'm not suggesting you recipe or magic solution , just common sense , a little effort , a little help from anti depression plants)

It will therefore be to be active in these three fields at the same time , it is also important to record the progress and actions undertaken . Buy a small notebook and write down your various actions .

Natural supplements anti depression

Taking a natural supplement to overcome depression is an important loot . I remember wanted to avoid medication side effects to too strong .
But aid ( also very effective) of a plant seemed perfectly suited . It is a kind of natural stand. ( Note that I say again but according to your depression medication may be necessary consult your physician. )

2 choices offers you St. John's wort or Griffonia
( do not take 2 at the same time but you can rotate )

St. John's Wort

The Complete Guide St. John's wort is here

St. John's Wort is especially recommended in cases of mild to moderate depression. Different scientific studies are clinically proven effectiveness . St. John's Wort is also excellent in seasonal depression

St. John's Wort

It depends on the form and content of the tablets. Often the tablets will be 300 mg .

The recommended dose is 900 mg per day for an adult.

The effects are not immediately apparent , it is often to wait a few weeks before fully feel the effects of hypericum
indications against

Natural remedy does not mean no indications against . St. John's wort is generally safe but it is mattered much against a list of indications. For side effects in detail you can see the complete guide to St. John's Wort .

Here are a few side effects as possible :

        intestinal gene
        dry mouth

Remeber so the wort is a very effective herb for depression ( mild to moderate ) and SAD.

Griffonia simplicifolia

Griffonia or 5HTP is a plant used in the fight against depression. Various studies have proven its effectiveness . It is therefore an ally to fight depression.
Griffonia simplicifolia dosage


Griffonia contains 5 -hydroxy -tryptophan or 5htp which has the effect of increasing serotonin and thus helps regulate mood and sleep and reduces panic attacks . 5HTP also plays a role in the regulation of appetite .

It is often recommended to take 100 to 300 mg Griffonia for depression .

Cons and side effects

St. John's Wort as it is necessary to pay attention to indications and side effects against the Griffonia simplicifolia

Here are some side effects:

    gastrointestinal disorders . Disorders that usually manifested by nausea.
    not recommended for pregnant women and children .
    Attention also taking St. John's Wort and Griffonia

 Acupuncture may also prove to be a very good supplement

physical activity

After the natural complement anti depression it is important to engage in physical activity. You have to find what is best for you , choose an activity ( no need to want to do a marathon if you 're a little sports ) and set a regular date on your calendar .

Why is physical activity to treat depression ?

The benefits are really many . We will focus here on two very important benefits .

Improve their self-esteem

You know when you are depressed self-esteem tends to decline. It feels no , good for nothing. Of not very pleasant mental states that we can begin to reverse through the regular practice of physical activity.

With regular practice of physical activity , your body will release endorphins . These endorphins will interact with receptors in the brain and reduce the perception of pain.


Endorphins are also called natural morphine. After a long jog or a workout or you are overwhelmed is often accompanied by a feeling of well being and euphoria .
Endorphin is a natural analgesic, which means it decreases the sensation of pain.

It has been proven that regular sports or wider physical activity can:

    Improve self-esteem
    Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms
    Improve sleep

There are also very good effect on health

    Lower blood pressure
    Increases energy
    Strengthens the muscles
    Regulates weight

What physical activity practice ?

For you to find what suits you according to your preferences and your level. Here's a list to give you some ideas


Choose an activity that includes being in a group and meet people can be a good idea. The support of others is essential to combat depression .

From a personal point of view I think the steps made ​​with a relative in nature are very beneficial. I am convinced of the positive impact of contact with nature . Whether the forest, the sea, the countryside. This is, I think it's important to be able to reconnect with his emotions.

Renew its social relations

To heal and overcome depression support his family and his entourage is very important. But during a depressive tendency will pass very often do the opposite : to withdraw into itself, prevent the outflow . Reaction often accentuated by the fatigue that is experienced and that will justify staying home.

Will tend to always find excuses , but ultimately you will not exacerbate your depression.

Avoid cutting his family and continue to meet people is paramount.
Getting there by step

Make the effort to go out and get motivated can be difficult, which is why I advise you to go slow , step by step.
Start by going for a coffee , or an output of a few tens of minutes with knowledge . You can also share a meal.
The objective here is to get out regularly to replenish energy. Too inward not bring anything positive.

Meet people

Always with the aim of combating depression naturally, expand their social circle, or meet a few people is an excellent action. But who can you ask an effort. Taken daily routine it may seem difficult to find time and even opportunities to these meetings.

A very good solution to meet people , be helpful and increase their self-esteem is volunteering.

You will find on this site all to find an opportunity to do some volunteer work.

A second option is to perform an activity. Anything as long as you have an interest works . It can be a physical activity, as seen above , or anything else :

Here are some examples to give an idea see

    Learning a new language ,
    Courses of a popular university
    Practice sewing
    Learn gardening
    Join a walking club
    Join a club meditation

The list is long and it depends on what you like. You can begin to check with your local city and the site of MJC in your neighborhood. This is a good starting point for research .

With all these actions it is also very important to take time for yourself .

If you follow the plan then you must be committed to taking a natural antidepressant , or to continue physical activity , do not lock yourself and develop your social relationships.
You now need to take time for yourself and refocus your thoughts to make them more realistic and positive.


I'd like to finish this article to try to give you perspective. Being passed that I know how difficult it is .
If you are unfamiliar with Buddhism then you must know the concept of impermanence. This fundamental concept in Buddhism explains that nothing lasts forever. Whatever comes , then goes away. It is the same with our anxieties , our mental states and also with depression. It may be here today , but tomorrow a little less, and in a few months it will be gone. Keep this in mind .

I hope this article will give you ways to recover.

samedi 8 mars 2014

Here are 9 natural antibiotics and the most powerful that your mother did not tell you

Doctors are turning increasingly to natural antibiotics, without the risk of resistance or side effects.

They might as conventional antibiotics, neutralize bacteria and act as antivirals against influenza , colds, ear infections , sore throat and even urinary tract infections !


Cranberry: against urinary tract infections

 Hence the properties of cranberries come from? A substance in the bay ( proanthocyanidin ) prevent the bacteria from attaching to the mucosa. In 1994 , an American study of Harvard Medical School has shown that regular consumption of this plant reduce urinary tract infections in women.Consumption: 1 capsule / day in the morning with a glass of water during meals prevention. A life if necessary for those with recurrent cystitis . Instead, you can also take a glass of cranberry juice or berries 250g ( same dose ) . If the repetition of infections persists, see .Attention: during infection , consultation with a doctor and taking antibiotics are strongly recommended.


Grapefruit seed against Candida

 The grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic , antiviral , fungicide and pesticide . He would fight 800 strains of bacteria and viruses, and fungi and other parasites 100 ! It is recommended in the treatment of Candida ( fungus that causes bloating , fatigue, headaches, joint pain ... ) .Hence the properties of grapefruit seed come from? Their wealth in bioflavonoids .Consumption ( prescribed by a specialist) : 3-18 drops once / day in a glass of water the first week. Then 2 times / second day, 3 times / day for the third meal. It is advisable to review a specialist after the treatment. In bios pharmacies or stores.

Garlic: against pneumonia ...

 Recent studies have shown that compounds in garlic can kill 60 species of fungi and over 20 types of bacteria, including pneumococcal pneumonia or responsible for Staphylococcus aureus ...Hence the properties of garlic come from? Allicin , a substance contained in the condiment , is a potent antimicrobial. Its action in the lungs is particularly strong because the volatile compound is eliminated by this route , killing bacteria and viruses in the process.Consumption: 1-2 cloves garlic, minced raw day for meals, prevention life. Sick, 4-6 cloves a day until healed .

Apple cider vinegar : against the evils of the ear

 Good for voltage against osteoporosis ... cider vinegar is also an effective antimicrobial against infections of the ear canal .Hence its properties come from? According to a South African study (1998) , acetic acid it contains is a powerful antibacterial , including staphylococci cause earaches acid.Consumption: In case of infection, get an ear bath with a mixture half cider vinegar - half hot water, 2-3 times / day until pain and fever disappear.Warning: Always consult your doctor to make sure the eardrum is not perforated ( spontaneous paracentesis ) and eliminate the risk of meningitis.

Tea Tree : anti ENT infections ...

 Antifungal , antiviral and bactericidal broad spectrum of essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia ( tea tree ) is active against Streptococcus ( bacterium that causes angina or urinary or intestinal infections, for example).Hence its properties come from? " Its effectiveness is undeniable, but we do not know the reasons for its action ," says Dr. Martin Line , doctor and naturothérapeute.Consommation ( prescribed by a specialist) : 3-4 drops per day in 3 divided doses * with 1 tsp . honey until healed . Price: essential oil of tea tree € 6 ( 10ml ) in drugstores or organic stores.* The ET are not without risks. Cease taken any side effects and see if it were to worsen . *

Thyme essential oil thymol against bronchitis ... 

Immunostimulant , antiseptic , antibiotic, pesticide , fungicide, the essential oil of thyme thymol is effective against lung infections ( bronchitis) and respiratory tract ( tonsillitis, sinusitis) .Hence its properties come from? " Thyme thymol makes the membrane permeable to the bacteria . It breaks up the kills , "explains Dr. Martin Line , general practitioner, naturopath.Consumption ( prescribed by a specialist ): 2 drops 3 times per day * on a tablet or a neutral sugar until healing. Price : HE thyme thymol 10 € ( 10ml ) in drugstores or organic stores.* The ET are not without risks. Cease taken any side effects and see if it were to worsen .

Propolis against tonsillitis

 Propolis is collected by bees , which they use to seal and sterilize their hive resin. In 1989, Polish researchers found that it reduced the duration of cold symptoms faster than placebo.Where the properties of propolis are ? Thanks to the strong presence of flavonoids (antioxidants ), it accelerates the destruction of viruses and bacteria by enhancing the ability of macrophages ( white blood cells scavengers ) to neutralize them.Consumption : " Use an oral spray propolis hydroalcoholic solution. 15-20 slugs / day or diluted in a little water . A swallow in case of cold and / or sore throat , "says Dr. Martin Line . In pharmacies and health food stores .

Ginseng against colds

 A Canadian study in 2005 showed that regular intake of ginseng protects people from colds. The researchers observed that this root also reduce the duration of symptoms.Hence the properties of ginseng come from? It would be an immune system stimulant .Consumption: 100 to 200mg Siberian ginseng capsules 3 times / day , in treatment for up to 3 weeks per month for at least 3 months. For efficiency , a determination of blood cortisol indicates whether the plug has a purpose. Price: 10 € 90 capsules pharmacies and organic stores.

Echinacea purpurea against influenza

 This pretty purple daisy have a preventive effect on colds and flu, according to WHO and ESCOP ( group of European scientists in herbal medicine ) .Hence the properties of echinacea come from? " It makes more mobile white blood cells and increases the ability of macrophages ( white blood cells scavengers ) to neutralize bacteria and viruses ... " , says Dr. Martin Line , general practitioner, naturopath. " It also contains echinacoside , antibiotic properties . "Consumption : 10 to 100 drops / day (the amount depends on the build and symptoms ) of mother tincture divided into 2 or 3 doses with a glass of water - prescribed by a specialist. Price : 19 € 100ml bios in stores or pharmacies