lundi 13 janvier 2014

How to be healthy

To live as long as no prevention. Clear: a healthy lifestyle, everyday.
Tips and explanations point by point to keep ... health!
- Procedure to be healthy!
- Balance your diet why? All studies confirm a varied and balanced diet is a factor in prevention against cancer, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, obesity and high cholesterol.

How? By following the advices:
> Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to achieve a quota of at least 5 per day.
> Consume food sources of calcium (mainly dairy products and, in addition, vegetables, or mineral waters are rich) to reach the recommended dietary dairy or 3 per day

> Limit the intake of fats, especially saturated fats (meats, cold cuts, cheeses, pastries ...)
> Increase the consumption of starchy starch sources, including whole grain foods.
> Limit consumption of sugar and high-sugar foods (sodas, candy, jam, chocolate ...)

> Stay sober why? Hyper caloric (1 g = 7 kcal ), alcohol diffuses widely in the body before being degraded by the liver into a toxic molecule. Thus, a high consumption is the cause of cancers (mouth, pharynx , esophagus, colon, rectum , breast ... ) , and increase the risk of overall mortality , including stroke .
> Beware of the sun Why ? Prolonged exposure  to the sunshine ; so ;  Skin aging is accelerated and the increased risk of cataracts.
How ? Avoid exposing yourself to the sun  between 12h and 16h .
 Never stand in the sun without a cream layer high-index and regularly renew the application.
Wear protective sunglasses , especially on snow or the sea, where the reverberation is important.

> Give up smoking
Why ? Besides cardiovascular diseases and cancer , tobacco poses many risks to the women associated with the pill, it promotes the formation of clots, damage the vessel wall and shrinks , increasing the risk of phlebitis and thrombosis , it precipitates decalcification , it increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy , miscarriage , premature delivery , caesarean section and fetal growth retardation .
How ? Do not touch it ! If it is too late , get help ! 

> Move
Why ? It is recognized that the increase in energy expenditure through physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease , type II diabetes, obesity , cancer and osteoporosis . Regular exercise also improves the silhouette, well-being and self-esteem .
How ? Can be active without being athletic, and move without changing their lifestyle . Practice at least half an hour of brisk walking per day or the equivalent is enough. So do not hesitate to walk briskly on short trips off the bus or a subway station before , do your errands on foot rather than by car , banish escalators and elevators ... On weekends , program activity : biking, rollerblading, walking , swimming ...

> Ensure medical monitoring

Why ? Prevention is better than cure , do not they say ? More disease is detected early , the greater the chance of being cured.

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