lundi 13 janvier 2014

Personality Traits

The Work Group recommends that patients be rated on 6 broad, higher order personality trait domains each comprised of several lower order, more specific trait facets.  The broad trait domains and their definitions are listed below, with the trait facets comprising each domain listed below the domain name. The proposed trait model is in the process of empirical validation.
  Trait levels are assessed on a four-point scale:
0 =  Very little or not at all     
1 = Mildly Descriptive       
2 = Moderately Descriptive      
3 = Extremely Descriptive      
Negative Emotionality: Experiences a wide range of negative emotions (e.g., anxiety, depression, guilt/ shame, worry, etc.), and the behavioral and interpersonal manifestations of those experiences
Trait facetsEmotional lability, anxiousness, submissiveness, separation insecurity, pessimism, low self-esteem, guilt/ shame, self-harm, depressivity, suspiciousness
Introversion: Withdrawal from other people, ranging from intimate relationships to the world at large; restricted affective experience and expression; limited hedonic capacity
Trait facetsSocial withdrawal, social detachment, restricted affectivity, anhedonia, intimacy avoidance
Antagonism: Exhibits diverse manifestations of antipathy toward others, and a correspondingly exaggerated sense of self-importance
Trait facetsCallousness, manipulativeness, narcissism, histrionism, hostility, aggression, oppositionality, deceitfulness
Disinhibition: Diverse manifestations of being present- (vs. future- or past-) oriented, so that behavior is driven by current internal and external stimuli, rather than by past learning and consideration of future consequences
Trait facetsImpulsivity, distractibility, recklessness, irresponsibility
Compulsivity: The tendency to think and act according to a narrowly defined and unchanging ideal, and the expectation that this ideal  should be adhered to by everyone
Trait facets:  Perfectionism, perseveration, rigidity, orderliness, risk aversion
Schizotypy: Exhibits a range of odd or unusual behaviors and cognitions, including both process (e.g., perception) and content (e.g., beliefs)
Trait facetsUnusual perceptions, unusual beliefs, eccentricity, cognitive dysregulation, dissociation proneness

Severity is assessed by the Self and Interpersonal Functioning Continuum.
Trait levels are assessed on a four-point scale.

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