vendredi 31 janvier 2014

15 beautiful life lessons to ponder

# 1 Good things come to those who work as strenuous and never give up.

# 2 "What matters is the degree of love that you put in your every move ...
Cheerful giver gives better. "
- Mother Teresa

# 3 " The couple is the encounter between two people who love and are determined to grow and build a happy life together ," Melissa extract Pekel Life Couple

# 4 Your mind is like a garden , your thoughts are seeds . You can grow flowers or weeds ...
It is up to you to decide!

# 5 The day started badly ? Place your hand on your heart. Can you feel it ? It is also called determination. Please fill in love and never give up .

# 6 Look at the sky

# 7 You attract what you are and not what you want. So if you want some thing reflect it .

# 8 Do not be afraid to fail. Afraid of not trying .

# 9 When you see a field of dandelions. You can see thousands of seeds flying in the wind or thousands of wishes just waiting to be answered.

# 10 Do not cry over the past, there are already over . Do not dwell on the future, it has not happened . Live in the present and try to make it as beautiful as possible. - Melissa Pekel

# 11 Never lose hope. You do not always know what might await you tomorrow.

# 12 Believe forever in that we are ... because the rest does not matter. Metallica -

# 13 Do not let the past steal your present. Do not let the past dictate what you be because the past is just a lesson ... Use it to strengthen the person you become of Melissa Pekel

# 14 The best day is today. The most beautiful thing in the world is love . The best knowledge is oneself . The greatest gift is forgiveness.

# 15 Only love makes us see ordinary things in an extraordinary way .

Learn to eat healthy

Learn  to eat healthy . Why is it so important? Some people who have " lucky" to be able to eat what they want without fat might think that a balanced diet does not really concern . After all, why not enjoy it while we're young and when you advance in age, you may be aware of? For the simple reason that a balanced diet not only affects your weight influence your life in general : your attitude, your mood , your memory , your performance and efficiency.

Learn  to eat healthy
# 1 regulating the sugar 

I suggest  you eat wholemeal products (rice

, bread , seeds, wholemeal pasta ) not to overload your body. Unlike refined products made ​​from white flour, these still contain carbohydrates envelope wheat : the sound. Sound brakes and slows the absorption of sugars. They keep your blood glucose ( blood sugar ) at a constant rate. This means that your energy and distributed throughout the day more evenly .

Refined for their products are quickly absorbed by the body . You will feel full of energy followed shortly by a terrible fall: the famous of the afternoon " pump stroke effect."
To offset this fatigue in the middle of the day , people tend to consume a sugary food or coffee or a cigarette to " put right ". You understand that in the long term, this strategy does not work, because you are creating dependencies and you take more weight.


# 2 portions

Who does not know : the morning eat like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper ? There are many true and false in this formula.
The real portions and particularly concerns the energy value of the food. Ideally, you should make the most of your energy intake in the morning. Lunch , if your carbohydrate portion is the size of your fist , you say that your amount of vegetables must then be equivalent to the size of two fists. In the evening , be "poor" in carbohydrates.
False ? It is the food itself , because if you consider what really ate the kings at the time, in the best cases, you end up with an upset stomach .
3 # A typical day
The morning would be ideal to make a meal in itself. A " frühstück " looks like our German neighbors. Personally, I have trouble with the salt in the morning so I opted for oatmeal , the famous " oatmeal " I embellished with fresh or dried fruit and a " smoothie ", which is a drink mixed fruit that I prepare myself. My favorite is the raspberry smoothie, redcurrants, blackcurrants , banana, apple. I adapted according to the season, but I always add flax seed for omega 3 . I also eat Brazil nuts for selenium or almonds .
10 am to 30 : an apple or an organic fruit dessert .
PM: What do you want provided that you comply with the portions. You can feed mainly of protein , vegetables and a little starch (carbohydrates) .
To 15 h: same as 10:30. Fruit and almonds, walnuts. ( I do not eat yogurt )
Dinner: I eat light , mostly vegetables, a full salad or soup.
# 4 Last smaller boards
Be regular in your lunch hour . No " once I eat 30 to 12 h and the next day I skip meals ."
Do not forget to drink . The morning before breakfast for you rehydrate night and between meals during your breaks . If the water does not tell you anything , you always have herbal teas, green tea or water flavored with lemon zest.

jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Peritoneal mesothelioma - cancer of the abdominal wall

one of the deadliest forms of mesothelioma is Peritoneal Mesothelioma in which the cancerous cells attack the lining of the abdomen called the peritoneum. Peritoneum is the thin membrane, which shields various organs of the abdomen and also provides a lubricating fluid to enable the organs to move and work properly. Peritoneal mesothelioma , which affects the coating is still a relatively rare disease that accounts for about one fifth of all mesotheliomas . Its only known cause of the date of the United States till is previous exposure to asbestos.

The main symptoms

Although mesothelioma is neither age nor sex specific , peritoneal Mesothelioma is mostly seen in men who are in the age group of 50-70 years . There are a number of symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma most of which start appearing after 20 years , 30 or 50 years after exposure to asbestos. These symptoms may include weight loss (although the line can increase the size ), pain or swelling in the abdomen , weakness , loss of appetite , intestinal obstruction , anemia , nausea and fever. In addition, the fluid often accumulates in the peritoneal space leading to a condition termed ascites.

The diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma

The first step towards the detection of peritoneal mesothelioma includes X-rays and CT scans . For confirmed diagnosis , however , the physician must perform a biopsy whereby a piece of tissue is cut from the affected part of the body of the victim and is placed under microscope for examination. If the disease is detected at an early stage , it is more likely to heal the state of diffuse peritoneal mesothelioma , where the cancer has already spread to different parts .

the remedy

It is true that peritoneal mesothelioma is fatal and leads to the death of several each year. However, with further research , several modes of treatments have been undertaken and in the future there is a fair chance of the disease becoming absolutely incurable. The types of treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma include surgery , radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Surgical part of the abdominal tissue is cut to remove the tumor . Sometimes , the physician may also need to remove a portion of a lung or the membrane according to the requirement of surgery. Radiotherapy, the second method requires the application of high-energy x-rays to shrink the tumor and kill the malignant cells. The rays may be applied from an external machine or by placing the source of radiation directly to the affected part of the body by means of plastic tubes . Type of treatment is chemotherapy Last wherein a combination of drugs is used to kill cancer cells. Drugs can be administered orally in the form of capsules or may be applied via an intravenous needle .

However, it is essential to mention that the cost of treating any form of cancer is extravagant and you may consult a mesothelioma lawyer to earn you a handsome compensation authority who was responsible for your previous exposure to asbestos.

So learn more about peritoneal mesothelioma so that you can start treatment at an early stage and be healed ..

8 Tips to fight against stress

In everyday life, it is difficult not to succumb to stress. We do not take the time to relax , it is neglected, we do not do the things we love ... We all know that this negligence begat a moment the other a pressure such that it will not be longer be conceding stress. For some people, the awareness comes naturally . For others the click happens often in very violante by striking an emotional shock , illness or depression. Why do not they take the necessary measures to fight against stress?
The best time to repair the roof is when the sun shines . - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
We all tend to wait until the last minute to take care of yourself . We do it because we think it is futile but it is not. With the hectic pace of our lives, it is essential to learn to let go and take the time to live.
I suggest you find 8 good habits that you can incorporate into your daily already in the fight against stress.
8 Tips to fight against stress
# 1 Examine your use of time
How do you spend your day? Are you an organized person who knows time management , environment or rather a person who tends to run a little everywhere, but get caught up in all that surrounds it ?
Look you act and think your way to occupy your time. Are you in the process of overworking yourself ? Your family or friends do they often make remarks like: " you kill yourself at work ", "we do not see you much these days ." Try to see if there is not some truth in it. It could be that you do not take the time to live and you had not yet realized .
# 2 Make clear your mind

Without control and discipline the mind tends to wander from thought to thought . It brings us back to the past, we projected into the future ... everything swirls eventually give you the pain of living . You must at all costs learn to master the flow of your thoughts to live in harmony with yourself. Determine a specific time during which you will focus your attention on nothing thinking. Evacuate .

If this is too difficult, then focus your attention on a single thought . Close your eyes .
Is it a positive thought? Cultivate it in the full feeling in the clear viewing .
This thought is negative ? Do not let it overwhelm you because negative thoughts make us lose touch with reality. However, try to understand the origin and find it a positive equivalent response .
# 3 Boot the change
The definition of insanity is always doing the same thing and expecting a different result -Albert Einstein

To initiate a change, you do not need to go to the other side of the world to perform spectacular feats or make radical changes that you will not be able to hold over the long term . The fact is that it is possible to get different results in continuously advancing and regular small landing . Sometimes a little thing out of the ordinary enough to cause a trigger that will cause an unexpected change .
I think one of my friends who was known to be an eternal bachelor . These choices, these habits , these rituals the conditionnaient to stay in his bubble and with time it did not help himself .
There are 4 years old, he decided to accompany one of our friends (a big flirt !) In one of his parties . It was enough for the first time that Mr. finds his sweetheart. Luck? Certainly, but luck anyway. I think it was well worth it . If he had not met anyone interesting at worst it would have nice things (or not) to tell us. But in his case, this small gesture has been rewarded.
Balance after 4 years ? He is married and his wife ( the girlfriend of the time) expecting their first child . He is happy and always grumpy ( knowing it proves that all is well. He remains true to himself. )
# 4 Get rich
Read , meet new people, get out of your comfort zone. There are so many things in this world that often ends no longer want to know things in depth . Knowledge we fly , we zap from one medium to another because there is too much data to be recorded.
Knowledge is power, but also a pleasure. Do not try to overcharge you to impress. Focus on the things that really interest you .
" Too many choices kills the choice" Get a list of new knowledge that you would like to acquire and follow quietly
# 5 Take care of yourself
Will rejuvenate you in nature . Make physical activity that relaxes you , get a massage . You cook good healthy meals . Do not overload your body "junk food" , do not neglect your sleep.
# 6 Say no
Say no to anger, annoyance stress . Learn to recognize and establish your boundaries . Learn to delegate and you add tasks to please you or to accept others. Do not promise things you can not deliver to avoid conflicts because you get exactly the opposite effect.
# 7 Plan a time to do what you love to do
Allow yourself a few hours to do what you want to do and not what you should do. Plan your time so as not cutting into the time dedicated to your work or family responsibilities. Do not forget to book a time with your partner . We think it goes without saying but when becomes very comfortable in his marriage is a tendency to forget.
# 8 Laugh out loud
The other day my sister called me a nice little anecdote about one of my teachers of French in college. She remembers well because it was also her teacher in 3rd .
For controls while most teachers enjoy these moments of peace to correct homework for their students , the teacher read . She carried comic comics and guffawed behind the BD or laughed good heart .
She is also who introduced me Léonard comic comic that depicts a capricious and angry inventor : Leonardo da Vinci and his lazy and clumsy apprentice Basile Landouye .
His good humor was so contagious that it was almost impossible not to smile when exchanging glances between peers in a way to say, " Ah teachers ! That's what it was , "but who do want to say," Respect! " .
We could not even take the opportunity to share answers, she had very keen senses and perfectly mastered the situation. A good living and ensures that assumes , are.
Do as the teacher, take every opportunity to laugh. Guffaw is not bad , but you can do better. Laugh out loud, release your tensions. I guarantee you that there is nothing better for understanding life more lightly .