mardi 11 février 2014

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant

 it scavenges free radicals produced by the body in the event of external aggression (pollution , stress, radiation , tobacco, alcohol , chemicals) or internal ( chemical synthesis reactions or degradation some molecules , inflammation, cellular respiration ) .

These also called reactive oxygen species (ROS English) Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive oxygen derivatives. They are responsible for various disturbances ( oxidative stress ), but also have a positive role (communication between cells, functioning of certain cells and enzymes).

Our organization has endogenous defense systems ( our own body). It can also use ancillary systems (to be eaten ) to fight against the harmful effects of oxidative stress : vitamins C and E are the most important , carotenoids , polyphenols are also involved in the defense.

Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and vice versa . This major antioxidant role may explain the positive role of vitamin C in the prevention of cardiovascular disease , cataracts , certain cancers and infections.

By being involved in the synthesis of collagen , vitamin C has a role in maintaining the structure of the tissues. It participates in the synthesis of catecholamines and certain neuroendocrine hormones. It facilitates the conversion of cholesterol and helps in liver detoxification. It promotes iron absorption in the intestine. It inhibits the synthesis of nitrosamines , carcinogens.

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