vendredi 21 février 2014

16 tips to lose weight fast without dieting

lose weight fast without diet  without sport

How to lose weight fast is the question we ask ourselves every day a desire to lose weight without breaking the head with all diets that work and those that walk in half and yet those who have no effect on your body. If you do not want to follow a special diet simply follow these tips.

Lose weight yes, but how ? few small changes to make in your life until you get satisfactory results . In this list how to lose weight fast you can of course take advice that is tailored to your needs . Mostly you just have to choose one or two lines that you can do now to start . once you are used you can come back and take the other advice, the biggest mistake is to do everything at once and unfortunately we always end up losing motivation.

Drink plenty of water not only for hydration but also to eliminate , you can drink the water you 're at home at work always drink
No soda, because they are great calorie sodas in particular , replace them with water
Include in your meals foods that contain more water like tomatoes
Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice .
Set times to have meals and stick to it.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Do not snack between meals : D
Drinking tea and coffee without sugar.
Counting calories you eat.
No recipes fries , choose rather to cook your food with steam, at worst you can fry without fat, with a little olive oil
Eat protein to lose weight fast should consume these foods like chicken, egg whites , turkey
Do not skip meals , if you have the opposite of what you want
Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables. try to eat your vegetables raw . When cooking , they lose half the vitamins they contain
Limit your intake of sugar.
Choose a day of rest to please your stomach or you can eat whatever you want it will not affect your diet.
Consume salt in moderation, too much salt is often the cause of obesity, salty foods like chips to avoidPlay sports to lose weight, 20 minutes of cardio is enough, these exercises have a potent effect on the loss of adipose tissue , if you do not have time to climb the stairs instead of the elevator , do not stay all time sitting , you must not only work, but it will make you want to eat .

Top 6 most low calorie foods

top 6 most low calorie foods

0-20 kcal
Water can keep your skin supple and helps fight hunger in between meals. Make it a habit to drink a half to two liters of water per day.
20-30 kcal
Eggplant , cooked without fat, contains only 35 calories. In some recipes eggplant can even replace meat.
30-40 kcal
Half a grapefruit contains no more than 40 calories and rich in vitamin C. And if you add to the salad , then you can do it even without salt.
40-50 kcal
Carrot sticks and celery - a real " lifesaver ." In a large celery stalk - only ten calories.
50-60 kcal
The berries can be purchased fresh or frozen all year and add to salads , dairy products and cereals .
60-70 kcal
Onions and beans - the best ingredients to make low-calorie vegetable soups .
And how?
- Use a food in your favorite dishes ;- Take it with fruits and vegetables as a snack ;- Replace meat with vegetables ;- Invent new combinations and flavors ;- Do not forget the fat you can add without abusing making the most nutritious meal, including those made ​​from low calorie ingredients.

Cabbage soup diet to lose weight

cabbage soup diet

The cabbage soup diet is very famous , this miraculous soup " " has often been plagiarized . Many false revenue it circulates on the net omitting course, you specify the program . This regime is real because it 's addressed to the base of patients in large overload weight and had to undergo a serious surgical procedure. So what is an admittedly effective system but not to apply to defects forever end up with various nutritional deficiencies. This scheme is especially made for you to lose your few extra pounds in a short time . One of the major ingredients of this soup is cabbage, some people also commonly called cabbage soup diet . You should know that cabbage is a food that forces your body to burn more calories, more energy than the cabbage contains itself. C is a food says "negative calorie ". This is one reason for the rapid weight loss .
(Recipe from the Sacred Heart Hospital , used for patients who are overweight lose weight fast usually before surgery ) .

4 slivers of garlic
6 large onions
1 or 2 cans of peeled tomatoes
1 large head of Chinese cabbage
3 liters of water
6 carrots
2 green peppers
1 celery
3 cubes of beef defatted (optional)
Cut vegetables in small to medium pieces and cover with water.
Season with salt, pepper , curry and parsley.
Boil for 10 minutes.
Reduce heat and continue until the vegetables are tender.This soup can be eaten whenever you feel hungry.Eat as much as you want, when you want the soup n ' not add calories.The more you eat the more you lose . Because as said earlier it contains foods like cabbage that forces your body to burn more calories than what is in the food itself .
Be careful when using it as a dietary intake alone you may develop malnutrition. Read therefore the full program on 7 days.
Here are our tips and recommendations.
Avoid imperative
1) No alcohol may interfere directly eliminating fat.Wait 24 hours after taking alcohol to the regime2) No carbonated water , take only water , tea, coffee or skimmed milk .3) No frying , No bread , anything containing flour and sugar.Can replace meat with fish.Based on the results of the hospital , you can lose up to 7 pounds a week ,If we respect the plan without deviation from the 3rd day, we will feel an incredible energy ,With this diet you will feel better and lighter.At the end of seven days , if you have lost over 7 kg , do not start immediately , wait two days being careful .
Rapid weight loss plan = 7 days diet " burn fat "
Day 1:
Eat only soup and fresh fruit (except bananas)It is recommended to eat melon and watermelon ( low calorie ) , you can take 100% fruit juice , tea, coffee without sugar and water
2nd day:
Eat fresh or canned vegetables , steamed or raw. They can be cooked in the soup broth .No oil or butter. Focus on green vegetables.All day : Vegetables and SoupEvening : eating 1 large p. terracotta oven, 1 little butter or oil if you want.No fruit that day.
3rd day:
It is a combination of the previous two days, that is to say that you can eat vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas)Eat mostly soup.If you have followed this diet without making any difference , you've already lost between 2.5 and 3.5 kg
4th day:
Eat only soup, bananas decrease the craving for sugar and skim milk ..
5th day:
Day of meat : We just eat up to 500g of lean meat (eg chicken without skin ) and 5 fresh tomatoesDrink imperative 5-8 glasses of water to eliminate uric acid produced by the meat .Take the soup at least once .
6th day:
Today eat until hungry vegetables (except p. Potatoes ) and meat.Morning: steakLunch and dinner : 1 + steak salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon .Soup at least once .
7th day:
Finally : Eat brown rice fruit or 100% fruit juice , and vegetables. Soup at least once .
Do not buy cabbage soup ready they are less natural and nothing beats the natural, fresh food is healthier for your well being. So your furnace all the recipes is easy to perform but also follow to the letter.

3 Mistakes to Avoid in diets

mistake to avoid to lose weight

To find the plan that will make you lose weight quickly there are errors that can be easily avoided when you start attacking a diet. These errors can prevent you from achieving your goals for this , pay attention to the following tips to help you avoid the five mistakes that a lot of people ignore .
Skipping meals .
If the key to losing weight is to reduce the number of calories then . Why not also reduce the number of meals not updated ? False. If you skip a meal for your diet, or your period of weight loss that will negatively, your body will burn calories slowly during the day , plus you may have a voracious appetite in the evening.
Drinks and extra calories .
Many people do not realize , but what you drink can be as important for weight loss than what you eat. Some drinks contain as much or more calories than a plate full of food , moreover , these drinks are not satisfactory as far as solid foods and often do not even have nutritional value , just calories. Even if you take drink 1,500 calories per day, you 're still hungry .
Depriving yourself of all food .
Many people completely eliminate the foods they love when they start a diet, which can lead to a state of routine, lose your mind , get tired and finally eat whatever you find.

Top 10 drinks that help you lose weight quickly and effortlessly

drinks that make you lose weight

Many of us want to lose weight, lose weight to be in total harmony with our bodies. However, even the most drastic diets sometimes do not seem to go fast enough for us. To boost this scheme that we follow to the letter sometimes just little. By combining your diet to burn fat our drinks you will finally be able to get much more satisfactory results. You will be surprised for sure! Not only do these drinks are there for you to lose weight for less effort, but they also have the advantage of being good for your body and allow you to keep any form without the forms !
1 - Coffee
It strengthens our metabolism , which burns fat and increases our energy levels, which in turn puts our body activity and allows us to move . Studies have shown that the more a person consumes caffeine , the more it increases metabolism thus burning more calories even at rest. The scientific name for this process is thermogenesis or the production of body heat. Coffee increases thermogenesis, which is the fact that our body burns excess calories we consumed , even at rest. Green coffee additionally contains chlorogenic acid is a component that aids in weight loss by reducing the absorption of sugars in the intestine and it accelerates the process of elimination of fats.
2 - Green Tea
Green tea contains antioxidants that help the body to burn fat quickly . You will also need to consider that it is necessary to opt for a healthy diet . Losing weight is a matter of discipline, and if you combine green tea with a healthy diet and 30 minutes of exercise per day , you will undoubtedly get more results than convincing.3 - Aloe Vera
Another well-known plant that can really help you lose weight. Known primarily for detoxification treatment , the juice of Aloe Vera is highly recommended in any diet because it improves digestion and cleanses the body in a few days .
4 - Siberian ginsengSiberian ginseng is also recommended for weight loss , it has the ability to stabilize blood sugar . Very important function because a high blood sugar level in the blood promotes fat storage . Stabilizing our blood sugar and thus insulin production avoids fat storage favored by a high insulin levels . So we put all our chances on our side to achieve our goals . In addition , it reduces the need and desire to eat sugar .
5 - acai berries
The acai berries stimulate your metabolism and improves digestion. The fruit is purple in color, very similar to a blueberry, with a taste of chocolate. It may be useful because it could boost our métabolisme.C is a true antioxidant, anti- cholesterol excellent activator energy and immune tonic. Its natural combination of antioxidants , essential fatty acids, amino acids help to work together to help your body function better , easier to digest and burn fat more efficiently.6 - Cider Vinegar
This diet drink tastes awful , but it is really useful for people who want to lose weight fast . Cider vinegar like apple contains pectin . When it slows down the digestion of fat storage and makes your digestion.Le cider vinegar acidity by the faculty to lower your blood sugar and the excessive production of insulin as it is excess in our body stock all fats . It suppresses your appetite by making your brain believe that you are full even when you 're not . Unlike hunger capsules cutting or other cider vinegar is of no known side effects.7 - The Flax
Flax helps to lose weight due to its high content of omega 3 fatty acids , Omega 6 and Omega 9, necessary for proper metabolism . More flax is rich in fiber which helps burn calories and reduces the feeling of hunger. How to eat? Just boil a tablespoon of flax in water until a thick enough texture , filter grains and consume the remaining water in the same way that an infusion . A drink before breakfast every day. You can also use linseed oil for your dressing.
8 - Cranberry
Cranberry acts as a regulator of insulin , limiting the action of insulin through are low glycemic index, it reduces fat storage and contributes to a better elimination . Cranberry is also a very good natural drainage . It helps eliminate toxins and fat that accumulates in the tissues and are responsible for problems including cellulite and water retention. It can be consumed as juice homemade although it is difficult to find on our shelves Français.Appelé cranneberge as you can find in supermarkets careful to ensure that there was no sugar added . The best is yet to buy herbal , dried , and make infusions at will !
9 - Ginger Tea
Ginger is what we call a thermogenic food , ie it increases the body temperature and thereby helps boost our metabolism. This will have the effect of allowing the body to burn more fat. It is also known for its appetite suppressant properties and its beneficial effects on the digestive system.
10 - Herb mate
Mate is rich in caffeine . Caffeine is a stimulant of our body so it will cause an increase in our energy expenditure . Mate also has a significant diuretic power and to avoid water retention and therefore reduce the orange peel effect . In summary mate boosts our body and drain thoroughly.

How to lose weight without effort 11 tips to lose weight effortlessly lose weight effortlessly top 11 tips

Lose weight? Sometimes, in order to achieve your goal you just have to slightly change your eating habits . Here are a few tips and tricks to help you lose weight without much effort.
1 . Drinking tea. Studies have mounted that those who drink tea (black, green or white), have an index of lower body mass and less fat.

2 . Eat cayenne pepper. studies have shown that capsaicin ( an active compound in the pepper ) increases fat burning .
3 . Reduce the amount of carbohydrates to prevent fat accumulation .

4 . Eat more vegetables . They give a feeling of satiety without as many calories.
5 . Move lift weight. to work your muscles and burn more calories.
6 . Reduce your rest time between sets. This increases your heart rate and the number of calories burned.
7 . Eat more protein . Replace refined carbohydrates proteins not only serve to get enough, but will also increase the metabolism due to the so-called thermic effect of food .
8 . Eat more protein . It is therefore important to regularly consume throughout the day proteins . Each meal and snack should include protein .
9 . Of fish oil supplements. In a published study, researchers fed mice a diet with supplements (fish oil ) . The researchers found that mice fed a diet containing omega-3 had significantly less body fat accumulation . Other studies have shown similar results.
10 . Eat carbohydrates depending on your training. Of course , carbohydrates are important, but you certainly do not need that much if you 're not exercising , or if you only do 30 minutes a day .
11 . Start the meal with a salad and a low fat soup, water based . Salad and soup will fill your stomach if you eat fewer calories.

Sweet diet that makes you lose weight fast!

There is also a diet for sweet lovers ! It is designed to be completed over a period of three days, then there two weeks of "rest." It must be on during these two weeks and eat healthy without exaggeration for the content of your plate. Especially do not prolong the time that this plan could eventually create significant and dangerous for your body deficiencies. It is best to restart the program three days after your two weeks of rest.
Diet menu
The first day ,
Breakfast: green tea with lemon, a teaspoon of honey, fruit.
Lunch: 50 g of cheese , tea or coffee , 2 teaspoons of honey or jam.
Dinner: 150 g of soup, fruit salad .
Before going to bed : a cup of tea with lemon.
The second day
Breakfast : egg, a teaspoon of honey , green tea with lemon or coffee.
Lunch: 50 g of cheese , salad, vegetables, fruit ice cream.
Dinner: boiled vegetables , a piece of rye bread.
Before going to bed : a cup of green tea with lemon and a teaspoon of honey.
The third day
Breakfast: egg, coffee , spoon jam .
Lunch: 150 g low -fat cottage cheese , apple, tea or coffee.
Dinner: 100 g of fish, vegetable salad.
Before going to bed : a cup of green tea with lemon and a teaspoon of honey

Best Weight-Loss Diets

celullite regime
The fight against cellulite today affects millions of women worldwide . It can occur at any age and may be related to a number of factors, hormonal changes, weight changes , dehydration, lack of exercise, poor diet, etc ...
Solve the problem of cellulite is possible by changing our habits. Better to start with exercise . It should be noted that they may be mild , but daily exercise are needed. It is also recommended to change to a healthy and balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough sleep at least 7 hours per night. It is essential to reduce salt intake .
If you already have cellulite , it is advisable to follow a special diet to periodically cleanse the body of toxins and improve skin condition .
Below is a quick diet to lose weight fast and get rid of cellulite. It should be applied for three weeks , its effectiveness is greatly enhanced when combined with dietary restriction and physical activity: walking, jogging, swimming or other sports that have your preference.
Breakfast: juice of citrus fruits or vegetables, 1 boiled egg, coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: grilled steak, tomato and cucumber dill dressing : Mix ½ tablespoon olive oil, 1 yogurt and spices of your choice
Snack: 1 cup of skim milk without sugar, a grapefruit
Dinner: 120 g low -fat cottage cheese , salad seasoning spinach shoots olive or flax oil, lemon juice or cider vinegar
Breakfast : tomato juice, 1 boiled egg , coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: 200 g of fish , lettuce, celery, cucumber dressing of olive oil or flax, lemon or apple cider vinegar or steamed vegetables
Snack: 1 apple, coffee or tea without sugar
Dinner: vegetables , seasoned with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 slices of pineapple
Breakfast: 1 cup of skim milk with cereal and 1 tablespoon of honey
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs , tomatoes, seasoning olive oil or vinegar cider linen with spices of your choice, salad spinach
Snack: 1 apple, coffee or tea without sugar
Dinner : raw or cooked steamed vegetables , plain yogurt dressing with lemon or olive oil or linseed oil with apple cider vinegar, 200 g fish steamed or baked and 2 slices of pineapple
Breakfast: orange juice , coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: 1 grilled white chicken (150g ) zucchini steamed or boiled decorated with a teaspoon of olive oil
Snack: 1 cup of skim milk without sugar, 1 apple
Dinner: 150 g of beef steak with herbs , pumpkin steamed or water , mixed salads
Breakfast: 1 cheese with low fat fresh fruit, coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: 50 g of wholemeal pasta , pepper, salt , salad seasoning spinach same as the days before
Snack: 2 slices pineapple , coffee or tea without sugar
Dinner : vegetable soup , mixed greens , 70 g cheese Dutch or Swiss
Breakfast: 2 slices of fresh pineapple , coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs , asparagus or other vegetables steamed with a teaspoon of olive oil
Snack: 1 fruit ( your choice) , coffee or tea without sugar
Dinner: 1 chicken decorated white soy sauce , steamed vegetables with a teaspoon of olive oil
Breakfast: 1 cheese low in fat with fruit, coffee or tea without sugar
Breakfast : 1 egg, 50 g cheese , steamed vegetables with a teaspoon of olive oil ,
Snack: 2 slices of pineapple or a fresh fruit salad , coffee or tea without sugar
Dinner: 50g wholemeal pasta with pumpkin steamed or decorated water soy sauce cooked or steamed vegetables
Warning: this diet is a diet that can lead to severe deficiencies since its restrictions. It is therefore temporarily apply and should not be followed in the long term because it could put your health at risk .

mardi 18 février 2014

26 ways to easily lose 500 grams

Among these 26 ways to lose weight , follow 2 to relieve you of a kilo.

1 - Chili and youAn Australian study , add 1 /4 tablespoon chili to take his meals to lose 2.3 kg on average per month. Capsaicin chili cleans insulin stockeuse fat liver. To lose 500 g > 6 days.2 - Walking to burnNo nap after dessert! Walking just 20 minutes after a meal can lose 500 g / week , according to U.S. scientists. And boost metabolism for 3 hours. To lose 500 g > 7 days.3 - milk youA study from the University of Tennessee found that taking 1,200 mg of calcium - dairy - per day causes a weight loss of 10 kg in 6 months. Calcium is involved in burning fat. To lose 500 g > 8 days . 4 - Go for the GreenAccording to scientists from the University of Utrecht ( Netherlands) , the épigallocathéchine (composed of green tea) boosts fat oxidation and metabolism of 20% : 2 cups / day to burn 600 calories / week. To lose 500 g > 37 days.

5 - Spice of lifeCinnamon burns fat and boosts metabolism. A study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, add 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon to your meals can lose 0.9 kg / month . To lose 500 g > 15 days.6 - Pro proteinsIf 25 % of your caloric intake from protein , you will eliminate 200 calories more ( American Dietetic Association ) . To lose 500 g > 16 days.7 - Turn off the postAccording to scientists from Brookhaven Laboratory in New York , see food on TV increases the calorie consumption by 10%. Keep away from ads can lose 0.9 kg in 8 weeks. To lose 500 g > 28 days.8 - Ready ? Go!Men who eat prepared meals lose 31% more weight than those who opt for the "homemade" . According to nutritionist Anita Bean, you eat more, assuming they are good for health. To lose 500 g > 10 days.9 - A Walnut ?According to a California study , eating 70 almonds a day for 6 months lost 8% of body mass. Their protein, fiber and monounsaturated fats will make you feel full. To lose 500 g > 40 days.10 - A bowl of strengthEating cereal at noon decreases daily caloric intake of 640 calories, according to a study from Purdue University in West Lafayette, United States . To lose 500 g > 5 days.11 - Make LoveIn addition to burn calories in 20 minutes 150 , boosts a sex hormone increasing the metabolism of fat and muscle growth . At least 4 times / week to burn 800 calories - research by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital . To lose 500 g > 28 days.12 - Slow BikeThe University of New South Wales Wales has found that men who cycle pedaling thoroughly for 8 seconds, then relax for 12 out of a total duration of 20 minutes and 3 times / week for 15 weeks lost 3 times more weight than those taking the regular rhythm sessions 40 minutes. To lose 500 g > 18 days.13 - Press !According to Californian researchers , drink 100 ml of grapefruit juice 3 times / day for 12 weeks lost 2 kg due to enzymes which decrease insulin. To lose 500 g > 19 days.14 - Slurp !A study by the Penn State University (USA ) indicates that eating soup 2 times a day lost 0.9 kg per month . Please do not try you ! To lose 500 g > 15 days.15 - Put up greenThe same Penn State researchers have also found that taking a salad starter reduced to 1/ 5 the total calorie consumption. Consume 2 handfuls mixed salad , seasoned with spoons olive oil and white vinegar . To lose 500 g > 7 days.16 - And RelaxStress makes you fat. According to the University of Tel Aviv , cortisol and norepinephrine ( stress hormones ) encourage fat cells to grow and multiply . Combine different relaxation techniques when the system is thus allows lose 0.9 kg per month. To lose 500 g > 15 days.17 - Pulses tableEat sips lens leucine , the amino acid to which researchers from Boston University attribute the ability to help you lose weight. The men who put their menu lose 7.3 kg in 10 weeks without any other changes to their diet. To lose 500 g > 4 days.18 - Weigh yourselfNutritionists from the University of Colorado found that men who weigh themselves daily lost 1.8 kg more each month than those who do only once a week . According to the author of the study, it helps to maintain weight loss in the center of its concerns. To lose 500 g > 7 days.19 - Do you prickMaking acupuncture 1 time per week lost 4.5 kg in 3 months, according to researchers at the University of Warsaw. Pressure points cause electrical pulses that suppress appetite . To lose 500 g > 9 days.20 - A little acid ?500 mg of conjugated linoleic acid (in pharmacy ) acid can lose up to 1.8 kg in 10 weeks , according to a University of British Columbia study. It is also found from linoleic acid in the meat and dairy products. To lose 500 g > 18 days.21 - Change BulbA study by the University of California indicates that men who eat in subdued light consume 240 calories more than the others. According to the researchers, this makes them less aware of what is swallows . Make light ! To lose 500 g > 11 days.22 - Slice !According to researchers at the University of Okinawa in Japan, servings of vegetables are considered more important (27%) by consumers when they are cut into pieces when they are integers. So they eat 20 % less. To lose 500 g > 7 days.23 - Outside !Men who exercise outdoors in direct sunlight lose more fat than those who exercise indoors in the gym , according to a study journal Obesity. This boosts the levels of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite . To lose 500 g > 40 days.24 - From fat earlierEating a breakfast high in fat can consume up to 15% less fat throughout the day , according to scientists from the University of Houston. Go for monosaturated fats, good for the heart , with smoked salmon and avocado between two slices of rye bread. To lose 500 g > 10 days.25 - A Toothy !Rather than fruit juice , choose the whole fruit ! you reduce your calorie intake by nearly 20% , according to the magazine International Journal of Obesity . Chewing produces more hormones that give the feeling of being full. To lose 500 g > 7 days.26 - Stand up laterOne hour more sleep per night can reduce your calorie intake 200 calories per day, according to a study from the University of Chicago. A lack of sleep lowers leptin levels , according to the author of the study. To lose 500 g > 16 days.

dimanche 16 février 2014

How to measure your ideal weight?

> Definition and warning
The ideal weight is a weight that is supposed to bring better health to a person ( minimizing the risk weight : diabetes, cardiovascular disease , hypertension, etc. . ) .
Seen thus , the perfect weight can not be an accurate weight . Rather it varies between 2 weight around an average weight (this is called a normal range weight ) . We can call this the average weight " theoretical ideal weight." This last exchange between individuals, all different. Weight dreamed mainly based on the height of the person but can be modified by various factors such as age , gender, body size and the degree of muscle development. See also 5 principles to follow when you want to lose weight.
Mathematical formulas were designed to determine the theoretical ideal weight of a person . These formulas require diverse data is the main size . Individuals being very different by default, these formulas may also indicate different results , making them purely informational value .
Instead, we recommend you to calculate your BMI ( Body Mass Index ) , which encrypts your excess weight (or your underweight) and how much weight you should to keep healthy. You should know that many experts consider the BMI provides a better indicator than perfect weight.
If you want to calculate your theoretical ideal weight, please use one of the calculators below 4 ( each using a different formula ) .
> Calculate the formula of Broca
This formula is simple . But it is this simplicity that generates significant errors. Thus, among the tall people , weight dreamed tends to be overestimated.

> Calculate the Lorentz formula
This formula is often used . It resembles the formula of Broca, but adds another parameter . This parameter takes into account the size and sex of the person.
The Lorentz formula does not take into account the age of the people or their different morphologies ( gracile , slender , average, stocky , broad, etc. . ) . This is its biggest flaw .
Here is the formula:

For men ( sizes are in cm):
IDEAL WEIGHT (kg ) = SIZE - 100 - ( ( SIZE - 150 ) / 4)

For women ( sizes are in cm):
IDEAL WEIGHT (kg ) = SIZE - 100 - ( ( SIZE - 150) / 2.5 )

> Calculate the formula Creff
This approach aims to improve the Lorentz formula . The parameters of age and morphology have been added .
Thus , an individual will decrease morphology gracile ideal weight of 10 % from an individual of normal morphology . Maintaining the logic , a wide individual morphology will increase its " perfect " 10% by weight relative to an individual of normal morphology .
The boundaries are blurred between morphologies. That is why the formula Creff remains rather sketchy . Morphology may indeed seem a slender person while it is normal for another even wider for another person again.
The formula Creff :

Person of normal morphology :
IDEAL WEIGHT (kg ) = ( SIZE ( cm ) - 100 + AGE (years) / 10) * 0.9

Person gracile morphology :
DREAM WEIGHT (kg ) = ( SIZE ( cm ) - 100 + AGE (years ) / 10) * 0.9 * 0.9

Person wide morphology :
PERFECT WEIGHT (kg ) = ( SIZE ( cm ) - 100 + AGE (years ) / 10) * 0.9 * 1.1

> Calculate the formula Monnerot - Dumaine
This formula incorporates the wrist circumference . It aims to reflect the importance of the frame and muscle mass in the total weight of a person .
Here is the formula:Ideal weight (kg ) = ( Height in cm - 100 + 4 x Wrist circumference in cm) / 2

> Clarification of interaction with these calculators
In the past , many fitness books published a graph of ideal weight. Often , the figures gave the weight corresponding to height . Many readers would look at the charts and discovered that they were " well above " their idyllic weight. Then they will look at the mirror and wonder why they do not seem overweight.
The reality was simple: the graphic was simply not accurate. One criterion (height defining the weight ) really was not sufficient to estimate the perfect weight. Fortunately, these graphics are part of the past thanks to the ideal weight calculators listed above ( some better than others) .
This type of calculator is an innovative concept . It provides a more detailed and precise explanation of what a person's weight should be based on a number of criteria . This means that whatever the person needs to do is to enter data into the calculator. These data include age, height, current weight, etc. . When the calculator provides the information , it will be much more accurate than the ancients gave graphics in books.
However, it is also important to note that the ideal weight is sometimes subjective, and sometimes it can be objective. This means that if you have a weight in excess of 4 pounds weight your " dream " (provided by the calculator ) , it does not necessarily mean that your physical appearance will be poor . After all, even if you have too much fatty tissue , this may not seriously affect the appearance. Preferences and personal opinions weigh heavily on how you want to approach weight goals "perfect."

How to lose abdominal fat ?

It is neither aesthetic nor good news for your health. Here's how to lose abdominal fat and have a flatter stomach .When people go to the forties and fifties , the proportion of fat in the total body weight tends to increase . This is seen more in women than in men. Especially after menopause, extra pounds tend to be stored around the navel area , since the ratio of fat to lean tissue ( fat-free ) exchange and storage as fat begins to favor the upper body ( the above the hips and thighs ) . Even women who do not gain weight can still see their waistlines expand .
At one time , women could accept these changes as something inevitable in life after menopause. But they must not be forgotten that when the waist increases health risks also increase. Abdominal fat (especially visceral fat ) is a concern because it plays a key role in various health problems .

> Location belly fat and its impactsGenerally speaking , abdominal fat is both subcutaneous and visceral :

Subcutaneous : This fat lies between the skin and the abdominal walls . You can grab the subcutaneous fat with your hand ,
Visceral : the fat surrounding the abdominal organs. Visceral fat is out of reach of your hand (you can not grasp ) . She finds herself buried inside the abdominal cavity (where she padded the spaces between the abdominal organs ) .
Visceral fat plays a much more important role in the health problems that the subcutaneous fat .As for the grease localized behind the abdominal cavity called the retroperitoneal fat . It is usually counted as part of the visceral fat.Various studies indicate that visceral fat is most associated with risk factors such as insulin resistance , which sets the scenery for type 2 diabetes . Visceral fat is also linked to metabolic disturbances and increased cardiovascular disease risk. In women, visceral fat is associated with breast cancer and a greater need for surgery of the gallbladder .Some studies suggest that the deeper layers of subcutaneous fat may also be involved in insulin resistance (in men , not women ) .
> Causes of formation and the increase in abdominal fat

Sedentary lifestyle : a lifestyle that lack of physical activity increase the mass of visceral fat ,
Food : an unbalanced diet rich in calories , especially in the absence of physical exercise causes an accumulation of visceral fat ( since this mode of eating is to consume more calories than nobody burns )
Genetics : Genes determine whether some people are more likely to develop visceral fat than others,
Stress hormones : these hormones ( such as cortisol ) contribute to an increase in abdominal fat . We return to genetics and hormones in the next section ,
Smoking: Smoking creates the same stress hormones .

> Where to accumulate abdominal fat ?Accumulated in the lower body (which then has a pear shape ) is subcutaneous fat (stored under the skin) , while the fat accumulated in the abdominal region ( the body then has a form of apple ) is especially visceral .Where fat accumulates a person is influenced by various factors, the most important are:

Heredity: scientists have identified a number of genes that help determine how many fat cells a person develops and where these cells are stored ( study published in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" in 2006). To summarize , any person may inherit a tendency to gain weight in the abdomen ,
Hormones at menopause, estrogen production decreases and the ratio of androgens ( male hormones present in small amounts in women) on estrogen increases. It is a change that is linked to a greater mass of ventral fat after menopause, according to some studies . Some researchers think that the fall in estrogen at menopause is associated with a higher cortisol levels . But cortisol is a stress hormone that promotes the accumulation of abdominal fat.
Although a slowed metabolism and decreased physical activity contribute to overall weight when taking a person ages , note that these two factors do not influence the accumulation of visceral fat directly .
> Measuring abdominal fatAs evidence of adverse effects of the ventral fat accumulate, researchers are trying to measure with the greatest possible precision , analyze its relationship with health risks, and monitor the changes that occur with age and weight gain or weight loss . Discover how massage rolling massage can help fight cellulite and slimming , click here.Techniques most accurate measurement , namely magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) and computed tomography (CT ) , are expensive and are not available for routine use. However , scientific research using this imaging measuring methods showed that the waist circumference ( at the outlet belt) reflects the amount of abdominal fat. See also Mass Index Adipose (IMA) , considered a better measure than BMI by some experts.The simple waist circumference has largely replaced size on hip ratio as an indicator of fat distribution , because it is easier to measure and almost equally accurate . There is also evidence that waist circumference remains a better indicator of health problems that the Body Mass Index ( BMI), which indicates the total fat in the body (not abdominal fat ) .Recall that the waist-hip ratio is calculated by dividing the waist circumference measured at the narrowed by the measurement of the hip at the widest level. As an indicator of abdominal fat of a person , this measure is better than BMI. In women , the risk of heart disease and stroke begins to increase from a ratio of 0.8.Also recall that the waist circumference is the easiest measure to check the abdominal fat. For this measurement, place a tape measure around your torso at the navel . Reduce breathing to a minimum and make sure not to pull the tape measure too tightly as to tighten the skin ( which would distort the measurement).Among women with a BMI between 25 and 34.9 , a circumference greater than 89 cm size is considered high risk. A study published in September 2006 in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition " found that women , a high waist circumference is associated with an increased risk of diabetes ( even when BMI is normal, placed between 18 5 and 24.9 ) .Since abdominal fat can be a problem despite a normal BMI , health examinations should include both the measurement of BMI and waist circumference. The relationship between the waist circumference and the risk of health vary from ethnic group to another . For example, Asian women , a circumference greater than 80 cm ( not 89 cm ) size is already considered a health risk. Read also foods that help to have abs concrete , click here.
> Abdominal fat is inevitable?Fortunately, the answer is negative. Indeed , visceral fat located in the abdominal region yields readily to physical exercise and a good diet . By losing weight , the amount of visceral fat decreases and the health benefits are many: lower blood pressure , levels of "good cholesterol " higher rates lower "bad cholesterol" .Subcutaneous fat located in the abdominal region , often located around the waist ( the part you can pinch , often called the buoy stomach ) may be desperately difficult to move. But in people of normal weight, the subcutaneous fat is not considered as great a health threat as visceral fat .In fact, a 2004 study in the medical journal "England Journal of Medicine " found that the removal of subcutaneous fat by liposuction ( up to 10.5 kg of subcutaneous fat sometimes removed ) in 15 obese women did not produce any beneficial effect on their measurements of blood pressure, blood sugar in the blood, cholesterol, or insulin reaction . While a weight loss achieved through a balanced and healthy diet and an appropriate exercise program triggers many changes that have positive effects on health. Discover the same time our tips for lowering fat in the body.
> More specifically , what is the problem with abdominal fat ?Body fat , also called the adipose tissue was once seen as simply a large stock of fat drops passively waiting to be used as energy ( by the body ) . However, studies suggest that the fat cells , especially cells of abdominal fat , are biologically active .It is more accurate to think of fat as an endocrine organ or an endocrine gland , producing hormones and other substances that can affect our health in depth. Recall that endocrine gland is a gland whose secretory product is discharged directly into the bloodstream without the intermediary of an excretory duct ( thyroid , adrenal , etc. . Are endocrine glands).A hormone produced by fat and is leptin , which is normally secreted after a meal to reduce appetite. Fat cells hormone adiponectin also occur which influence the response of cells to insulin according to some experts . Although scientists are still deciphering the roles of individual hormones, it becomes clear that excess fat in the body, especially excess abdominal fat , upsets the normal balance and functioning of these hormones.Scientists also know that visceral fat pump as chemical compounds called cytokines immune system (eg tumor necrosis factor ) that may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by promoting insulin resistance and chronic inflammation weak. According to some researchers , these cytokines as well as other biochemical compounds , some of which are not yet identified , may produce deleterious effects on cell sensitivity to insulin, the blood pressure on the blood coagulation.One of the reasons is the visceral fat may also be harmful to its location near the portal vein ( which carries blood from the intestine to the liver area ) . Substances released by visceral fat , including free fatty acids enter the portal vein and travel to the liver, where they can influence the production of blood lipids. Visceral fat is directly related to insulin resistance , a cholesterol and LDL ( "bad" cholesterol ) above , and an HDL ("good" cholesterol) more weak.The insulin resistance means that your body muscles and liver cells do not respond adequately to normal levels of insulin ( pancreatic hormone that carries glucose into the cells of the body) . Glucose in the blood increases , raising the risk of diabetes. Overall, insulin resistance , glucose in the blood excess , excess abdominal fat , cholesterol unfavorable ( including an excessive amount of triglycerides) , and hypertension are metabolic syndrome , a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.Excess abdominal fat is linked to several other disorders too. A European study of nearly 500,000 men and women found that in women, a higher waist-hip ratio 0.85 is associated with a 52% increase in the risk of colorectal cancer. Check out our tips for measuring the fitness in this article.A long-term study on atherosclerosis conducted by researchers at Wake Forest University (USA ) found that even in people of normal weight, those with a waist-hip ratio above is just as difficult as those who have a higher carry out various activities in daily life (like getting out of bed or doing household ) BMI.A greater extent size also indicates the development of hypertension , regardless of total body fat , according to a study carried out for 10 years on Chinese adults ( published in the journal "American Journal of Hypertension " in 2006). Finally, in 2005 a study presented at the annual meeting of the organization " Society for Neuroscience " found that elderly people who have big belly had poorer memory and less verbal fluency , even after taking into account the diabetes .Visceral fat is dangerous because the liver metabolizes this fat , transforming cholesterol and circulating in the blood. This causes dangerous deposition plate and consequently a narrowing of the arteries . More abdominal fat you have , the more you have visceral fat and your risk of diseases mentioned above.
> How to Lose Abdominal Fat?Since visceral fat is buried deep in the abdomen, it may seem difficult to target. The good news is that visceral fat responds well to regular sports training program and a healthy diet. Exercises to slim the stomach or abdominal muscles can help to strengthen the abdominal muscles and make the belly . Apart from cosmetic surgery (such as abdominoplasty or liposuction of the abdomen ) to remove a portion of abdominal fat, you can do some things to reduce belly fat. you list the main things to do to lose the belly fat :

Exercise : do daily exercise of moderate intensity is the best way to lose abdominal fat. When you lose weight and tone your muscles, your belly fat is also reduced. In fact, you might notice that abdominal fat level is the first place to shrink when you start to exercise.

The amount and type of exercise you should do depends on your current activity level and your health goals . Talk to your doctor about proper workout program to promote good health and specifically combat abdominal fat.

Stay patient and do not expect to lose the belly fat overnight. Burn belly fat by incorporating lots of cardio training to your routine if you do not see your abs. Choose biomechanically correct exercises to train the abdominal area, including crunch type exercises and avoid exercises " hip flexor " type.

Since you can not lose belly fat by doing exercises that specifically target this region (rather you need to lose fat throughout the body and strengthen the abdominal area ) , the best way to exercise to remove abdominal fat rest of combining aerobics and weight training .

Several studies have shown that exercise is effective for weight lose belly fat . Talk to your doctor or a sports coach how to incorporate weight training sessions into your exercise routine . Do not only lead your abdominal , train your entire body ( including doing weight training ) .

For aerobic training , do 30-60 minutes of cardio a day is enough . If you include this type of exercise to your daily life, it is even better. Try walking on foot or cycling from time to time to move to the desktop ( 20 to 30 minute walk to go and then the same in return). Making Running is another great option that helps reduce stress and more .

As for the weight , know that increasing muscle mass will increase your metabolism and burn fat become much more efficient. Remember that women who do weight training will not become muscular as men ( women who did not take male hormones to the volume). Strength training is essential to keep bones strong and firm silhouette. The abdominal exercise will help to tone and flatten your stomach , but not visually effective as visceral fat is not reduced .

Healthy Eating: change bad eating habits can help fight against abdominal fat. Read food labels (Part "Nutrition" ) and replace saturated fats ( bad fat) by polyunsaturated fat ( good fat). Increase portions of complex carbohydrates ( such as fruits and vegetables). Reduce intake of simple carbohydrates ( like white bread and pasta transformed ) .

If you need to lose weight , reduce the size of your portions and your daily caloric intake . To make it simple , eat natural foods ( full of fruits and vegetables) , low in fat , low in sugar, low in calories and in small portions every 3 or 4 hours in the day ( small meals but more often in that order , for example : breakfast, snack , lunch, afternoon tea , dinner, supper ) .

Try to focus on whole grains like whole wheat bread , brown rice , etc. . that bring a lot of dietary fiber ( which helps regulate the digestive system). When you consume these whole grains, do not forget to add some good fats ( like olive oil). Full drink water to stay hydrated and clean your body. Drinking enough water also helps control your appetite.

Tone your belly that you can not do exercises that specifically target abdominal fat to burn it directly, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles and get a flatter stomach . Conventional pumps are not the most effective way to tone your stomach . Instead , use these exercises to target both deeper and lower abdominal muscles :
Deep abdominal muscles : target these muscles by doing the "draw the navel ." First , lie down. Then let your belly drop breathing deeply . Exhale and at the end of your exhalation , gently pull your navel inward and up your spine. You should feel a stiffening around your waist , think of it as if you try to pass through a partially closed door. Hold for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Make 9 more repetitions. During each effort, your spine position should not change and you should breathe freely. At the end , you'll be able to do this exercise standing . It is so subtle that no one should know that you 're doing ,
Lower abdominal muscles : tone your lower abdomen by doing pelvic tilts and pelvic thrusts. To do a pelvic thrust , lie on the floor knees bent . Flatten your back against the floor by tightening your abdominal muscles and bending your pelvis slightly. Hold between 5 and 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times and made ​​a series of 10 to 20 repetitions .

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT ) : although there have good reasons for some women try TRH after menopause, lose abdominal fat does not belong. It is true that some studies have shown that postmenopausal women who take HRT are less likely to accumulate belly fat that postmenopausal women who forgo this therapy. However, other studies also show that there is no difference between the two ( that postmenopausal women taking or not) . Meanwhile , questions about the risks and benefits of HRT persist. Talk to your doctor in detail the potential risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy before trying . Check out the causes and symptoms of hormone and its relationship with weight gain here imbalance.

And you, do you suffer from excessive fat belly level? What do you think of our tips to lose belly fat ? Read comments or add your opinion below on this page. If you liked this article, thank you for recommending it on Facebook, to tweet , to give it a +1 on Google Plus vote .